New in

Love Day Bouquet - Order for Pick Up

Neon Pink Dublin Poolbeg Print

Myrtle Vase

Elros Vase

Odina Jug

Aleena Flower Vase

Potted Plant Teddy

The Mindful Magic of Flower Drawing

Botanical print hardback 2025 Diary

The Vase Print by Bronagh Lee

Zinnia 'Peppermint Stick' Seeds

Chamomile Seeds

Butterflies' Garden Seeds Collection

Moroccan Spearmint Seeds

Basil Thai Seeds

'Paris Market' Carrot Seeds

Poppy 'Falling in love' Seeds

Nasturtium 'Blue Pepe' Seeds

Ecopots Antwerp - Taupe

Ecopots Oslo - Taupe

Ecopots Oslo - Dark Grey

Ecopots Oslo - Grey

Ecopots Oslo - White grey

Ecopots Amsterdam - Taupe

Ecopots Amsterdam - Dark grey

Ecopots Amsterdam - Grey

SOS Plant Kit

‘The wildflowers of Ireland’ by Zoë Devlin

Maham ceramic vase

Plant cleaning gloves

Poppies Print by Brie Harrison

Hyacinths Print by Brie Harrison

Cherry Blossom Print by Brie Harrison

Kerry Way - art print

Kilkee Cliffs Co. Clare - art print

Baily Lighthouse - Art print

Patt L hanging pot

Sahal ceramic vase

Leandro ceramic vase

Green glass vase

Lezanne vase

Leyla vase

Heikki ceramic vase

Sybotanica Hydro Mix (3 litres)

A Beautiful Obsession by Jimi Blake

'The Wild Plants of the Burren and the Aran Islands'

'Plants to the Rescue!' by Vikram Baliga

'Garden; Exploring the horticultural World' Phaidon

'Wild: The Naturalistic Garden' by Noel Kingsbury & Claire Takacs

'Wild Tea: Brew your own infusions from home grown and foraged ingredients'

'Cut Flowers' by Celestina Robertson

'How to attract wildlife to your garden' by Dan Rouse

'Unearthed: On race and roots and how the soil taught me I belong'

'The Magic and Mystery of Trees' by Jen Green

Conjuring with Cannabis by Kerri Connor

'No Dig' by Charles Dowding

A Year in the Enchanted Garden by Monica Crosson

'Resilient Garden: Sustainable gardening for a changing climate' by Tom Massey

'The Tree Selection Guide' by Henrik Sjöman & Arit Anderson

'The Magic of Mushrooms' by Sandra Lawrence

'Rootbound' by Alice Vincent

'Yew' by Fred Hageneder

'Around the world in 80 plants' by Jonathan Drori

The Hedgerow Apothecary: Forager's Handbook

'Why Women Grow' by Alice Vincent

'Not Another Jungle' by Tony Le-Britton

'Floriography' by Jessica Roux

Wide open to the gentle air - Coumshingaun Art print

Kitchen Herbs Seed Collection

Floral Teas Seed Collection

Pollinators' Flowers Seed Collection

Edible Flowers Seed Collection

Taylor Activity Book

Plant Stakes

Refill pack for Cyanotype art Kit

Patt L pot ⌀16cm

'Edible flowers. How, why and when we eat flowers'

'Everlastings: How to grow, harvest and create with dried flowers'

Candles by Bread & Weather

Mini vases by Bloomingville

Vico Baths, Dalkey - Art print

Ladies bathing shelter - art print

Leaf Supply Guide to Keeping Happy Houseplants

Orchid bark (3 litres)

Orchid mix (5 litres)

Coco coir (3 litres)

Tajs vase

Plant care kit